


OsidObjects are interfaces containing a set of general purpose methods satisfying the relational requirements of the the service model or are most always applicable in their broad domain. Additional interfaces serving more specific needs can be added to any Extensible using osid.OsidRecord.


An OSID Provider may associate osid.OsidRecord to any Extensible interface. An OsidRecord is an interface definition of a set of methods used to supplement the core interface. An OsidRecord is identified by a record Type. 


A Resource defines a set of core methods such as:

  • osid.id.Id getId()
  • osid.locale.DisplayText getDisplayName()
  • osid.locale.DisplayText getDescription()
  • osid.type.Type getGenusType()

A Resource may be extended with an OsidRecord identified by colorResourceRecordType with:

  • String getColor()

General Pattern

Every managed entity is accompanied by a series of functional service slices as indicated by the defined OsidSessions.  For example, there will be one for lookup, search, and create/update/delete. There is a corresponding set of interfaces defined for the entity for use in these OsidSessions.

All of the above interfaces Extensibles. Each may have OsidRecords. Typically, it makes sense that same record Type is used to identify the various OsidRecords among these different interfaces. Using the color example above, the following OsidRecords would all be identified by the same colorResourceRecordType.


DescriptionGets the color of this Resource.
Returnstringthe color
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionGets the metadata for the color. 
Returnosid.Metadatathe metadata
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionSets the color.  
Parametersstring colorthe color of this resource
ErrorsINVALID_ARGUMENTcolor is invalid
NULL_ARGUMENT color is null
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionClears the color.
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionMatches resources of the given color.
Parametersstring colorthe color to match
osid.type.TypestringMatchTypethe string match type
boolean  matchtrue for a positive match, false for a negative match
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT color or stringMatchType is null
UNSUPPORTED supportsStringMatchType(stringMatchType) is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionGets the color query terms.
Returnosid.search.terms.StringTerm[]the string query terms
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionOrders the results by color.
Parametersosid.SearchOrderStylestylethe search order style
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT  style is null
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Record Types

A record Type is a Type that identifies the specification of an OsidRecord. In the OSID Java Binding, a Type acts as the identifier for the bound Java interface of the OsidRecord.


The Extensible provides access to OsidRecords. The OsidRecord of the specified record Type must first be requested. By specification, the OsidRecord may be cast into the specification identified with the appropriate record Type.

if (resource.hasRecordType(colorResourceRecordType)) {
    osid.OsidRecord record = resource.getResourceRecord(colorResourceRecordType);
    ColorResourceRecord colorRecord = (ColorResourceRecord) record;


Here are some bad examples:

Bad Example 1
if (resource.hasRecordType(colorResourceRecordType)) {
    ColorResourceRecord colorRecord = (ColorResourceRecord) resource;

While it might have been the case the OSID Provider implementation simply tacked on the color interface to its object implementing Resource, this isn't always the case. The extra request for the OsidRecord allows the OSID Provider greater flexibility in organizing classes and the ability to dynamically fetch OsidRecords not available in the initial request of the Resource.

Bad Example 2
if (resource.hasRecordType(userPreferenceResourceRecordType)) {
    java.util.Properties properties = (java.util.Properties) resource.getResourceRecord(userPreferenceResourceRecordType);

Java's Properties class is not an OsidRecord. The record mechanism provides access to interface specifications, not pojos. The OSIDs require that OsidRecords implement OsidRecords.

Interoperability Considerations

There's bit of rigor to the process of defining records. It conceptually is no different than defining the core OSID Specifications, just in a smaller domain. The smaller the domain, the less interoperability. The broader the domain, the broader interoperability. 

OsidRecord Specifications are meant to be published and shared outside the core OSIDs. Generally, one wants to define useful data in a domain that can be used by multiple parties in that domain. Sometimes OsidRecords can be used as a stop-gap measure where interoperability is not a concern or not desired and consequently not widely published. 

For OsidRecord that are meant to be published and shared broadly, here are a few recommendations:

Keep the Apples Separated from the Oranges

Don't define a single OsidRecord to deal with all your data needs. Suppose another OSID Provider has the need for the following data in a Resource:

  • color
  • height
  • weight
  • number of emergency exits

Our OSID Provider in these examples already defined a color. We lose the opportunity for any interoperability around the color because the color was again defined with other random attributes. By splitting these different kinds of attributes apart, we're that much closer to getting along. 

There's also good modeling practice to consider. Is there an object in the real world where all of those attributes are applicable?

Complete the Specification

You may just have the immediate need for a read-only attribute, but it doesn't take much to follow the pattern through the other interfaces for search and create/update. It's your record Type, if you expect others to use it and not re-invent the wheel, then it will all need to be there.

Stick to the OSID Framework

The OSID Specifications define a limited number of OSID Primitives from which the OSIDs themselves are constructed. This is to maintain a strong degree of language neutrality and expand the flexibility of OSID Providers. 

While it may seem simpler to define an OsidRecord with methods that return language-specific complex objects, assume all the data has been retrieved and buffered in the implementation, or to wire the interfaces together for easier access, these are the things that tend to get in the way of interoperability and why the OSIDs do what they do in the first place. 

Take a Moment to Think About the Problem

Our example OsidRecord uses a string to define a color. It is certainly easy. But it may have some issues that will result in changing the record specification down the road. Much of this inevitable change can be averted with good modeling and biting a bullet or two up front.

First, the color example munges an identifier for a color with the display name for a color. Is it the same color if translated into French? Second, is chartreuse a valid color? Do these colors be managed... by anyone else?

In modeling, what may appear as a data attribute is really an entity. Assuming a Resource can have only one color, our model looks like:

Let's apply a Resource to describe a color and see what happens to our records.


DescriptionGets the Id of the color of this Resource.
Returnosid.id.Idthe color Id
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionGets the color of this Resource.
Returnosid.resource.Resourcethe color
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionGets the metadata for the color. 
Returnosid.Metadatathe metadata
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionSets the color.  
Parametersosid.id.Id   colorIdthe Id of the color of this resource
ErrorsINVALID_ARGUMENTcolorId is invalid
NULL_ARGUMENT colorId is null
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionClears the color.
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionMatches resources of the given color.
Parametersosid.id.Id   colorIdthe color to match
boolean  matchtrue for a positive match, false for a negative match
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT colorId is null
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionClears all color Id terms.
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionTests if a ColorQuery is available.
Returnbooleantrue if a color query is available, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionGets the query for a color. Multiple retrievals produce a nested Or term.
Returnosid.resource.ResourceQuerythe resource query
ErrorsUNIMPLEMENTEDsupportsColorQuery() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionMatches Resources with any color set.
Parametersbooleanmatchtrue to match Resources with any color, false to match Resources with no color
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionClears all color terms.
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionGets the color Id query terms.
Returnosid.search.terms.IdTerm[]the color Id query terms
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionGets the color terms.
Returnosid.resource.ResourceQueryInspector[]the resource query terms
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.


DescriptionOrders the results by color.
Parametersosid.SearchOrderStylestylethe search order style
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT  style is null
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionTests if a ResourceSearchOrder is available.
Returnbooleantrue if a resource search order is available, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.
DescriptionGets a resource search order for the color.
Returnosid.resource.ResourceSearchOrdera resource search order
ErrorsUNIMPLEMENTEDsupportsColorSearchOrder() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Let's say that the color in our hypothetical example describes the exterior color. Now we want to capture the interiod color. An alternative to adding "attributes" is to flesh out the model. In this case, it eliminates the need for the OsidRecord.

See Also

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