Global Ids

Global Ids


This section describes the Primordium implementations of org.osid.id.Id.


net.okapia.osid.primordium.id.global.GlobalURNId is an immutable class implementing osid.id.Id.



Valid Characters

Any valid URL character per RFC 2396. 

  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • 0-9
  • ( ) + , - . = @ ; $ _ ! * '


Constructing BasicId
     *  Creates a new GlobalURNId using the "urn" namespace.
     *  @param authority the authority for this Id
     *  @param identifier the identifier for this Id
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException null argument provided

    public GlobalURLId(String authority, String identifier);

Static Factories

From a String
     *  Returns an Id from a string representation of a URN.
     *  @param urn the string to be parsed
     *  @return an Id with the string components
     *  @throws org.osid.InvalidArgumentException string could not be parsed
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException urn is null

    public static org.osid.id.Id valueOf(String urn)


net.okapia.osid.primordium.id.global.GlobalURLId is an immutable class implementing osid.id.Id.



Valid Characters

Any valid URL character per RFC 2396. 

  • a-z
  • A-Z
  • 0-9
  • . - _ ~ ! * ( ) ' / # ? & = :


Constructing BasicId
     *  Creates a new GlobalURLId using the "url" namespace.
     *  @param authority the authority for this Id
     *  @param identifier the identifier for this Id
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException null argument provided

    public GlobalURLId(String authority, String identifier);

Static Factories

From a String
     *  Returns an Id from a string representation of a URL.
     *  @param url the string to be parsed
     *  @return an Id
     *  @throws org.osid.InvalidArgumentException string could not be parsed
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException str is null

    public static org.osid.id.Id valueOf(String url)
From a URL
     *  Returns an Id from a Java URL.
     *  @param url the url
     *  @throws org.osid.InvalidArgumentException url could not be parsed
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException str is null

    public static org.osid.id.Id valueOf(java.net.URL url)


net.okapia.osid.primordium.id.global.PathId is an immutable class implementing osid.id.Id


A path name. 


Constructing BasicId
     *  Creates a new PathId using the "path" namespace and "localhost" authority.
     *  @param path the path
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException null argument provided

    public PathId(String path);

Static Factories

From a String
     *  Returns an Id from path name. The path name is converted to its canonical absolute form 
     *  by removing redundant components such as . and ..
     *  @param path the path
     *  @return an Id 
     *  @throws org.osid.InvalidArgumentException could not get path
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException path is null

    public static org.osid.id.Id valueOf(String path)
From a URL
     *  Returns an Id from a Java File. The path name is converted to its canonical absolute form 
     *  by removing redundant components such as . and ..
     *  @param file the file
     *  @throws org.osid.InvalidArgumentException could not get path
     *  @throws org.osid.NullArgumentException file is null

    public static org.osid.id.Id valueOf(java.io.File file)

See Also

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