Configuration Setup

Finding Files

Configuration files are found in the CLASSPATH of the runtime environment. They may be located alongside the jar files or some other configuration directory in the CLASSPATH. As with other java resources,  is expected that filenames are unique in the CLASSPATH.

Configuration Per OSID Provider

For every OSID Provider load, Kilimanjaro looks for a configuration file of the form:

<class name>.xml

This is the simplest form which allows for configurations to be shipped with the OSID Provider.

Global Configuration

Kilimanjaro always consults osid.xml. Parameters of the same Id in osid.xml override any Parameters in the OSID Provider-specific configurations. osid.xml is a means for pulling together configurations from multiple OSID Providers into a common location or those specific Parameters of a configuration of interest to an integrator.


Varying Configuration By OSID Provider Pathway

Varying Configuration By Time

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